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The Power of Transformation

power of transformation

What will it take?

What will it take to trigger your transformation into becoming the best version of yourself? For some, it may take an event in your life that will make you stand up and say enough is enough. Sometimes it can be as simple as being passed over for a promotion at work, or missing out on an opportunity because you were too fearful to take action.

When we're feeling stuck, most of us know deep down that a change needs to happen. Most of us have read all the self-help books, watched webinars, or perhaps you've attended a few seminars. You try for a few weeks to make a change, but ultimately you revert back to your old pattern of behavior. Sometimes your motivation for change just isn't strong enough and it takes a BIG event to finally make the change for good.

For one of my clients, the big event that happened in his life was the discovery of his wife's affair. In our first session, he came to the realization that every woman in his life that he was deeply in love with ended up cheating on him. Each time this happened, his response was to break up with the woman. In one of our sessions, I had to tell him the ugly truth. All of his failed relationships have one thing in common.....him. Remember, a coach doesn't just tell you what you want to hear, a coach tells you what you NEED to hear.

During our time together, we dug deep and uncovered some of the limiting beliefs he had about women and relationships. He had an expectation that women he loved would always cheat on him, and this became a self-fulfilling prophecy in his life.

We began to tear down some of his unconscious ways of thinking, and together we created a vision for what he wants in his ideal relationship. His wife wanted to save their marriage, so I urged him to hold off on filing for divorce until the end of our coaching.

With a renewed sense of confidence, self-esteem, and optimism, he ultimately chose to stay in the marriage. I checked in on him a few months later, and I'm thrilled to report that he's still happily married. His wife also ended up hiring her own coach after seeing transformation within her husband.

What would it mean to you if you could become the best version of yourself? What new opportunities might you pursue if you could begin to silence your doubts and fears?

If you're struggling with an area of your life, I'd love to help. Schedule a call with me to see if you're a good fit for coaching and to see how your life can be different once you remove all of the limiting beliefs.

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